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Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Blog Link!!!

Out with the old, in with the new blog

Please update your link!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Trains, trains, trains. This little guy has the best train set! According to his mom, he LOVES his trains and will play with them forever. We spent a lot of time indoors because of the cold and wind, so we were able to play with trains, blocks, cars and books.

I really love the b&w train shot from above. To me, it totally captures what it is to be in his world at that moment.

Monday, November 16, 2009


My good friend is expecting her 3rd baby in a few weeks. We don't get to see one another very often, but this weekend she and her family came to visit. They are expecting another little girl - I'm so happy & excited for them! Both sisters are ready for "their" baby to come and I'm sure they will be thrilled when she arrives.

One of the things that I've enjoyed during the past 8 years (or so), is the opportunity to share the experience of starting a family with a few close friends. Cristin is one of those friends. She and I became friends shortly after the birth of my 1st baby. Over the years we've been able to share our thoughts, hopes, fears, frustrations and joys on topics ranging from education to husbands to children name it! I'm lucky to have such a wonderful friend.

So, it is with joy that I can share a little part in the birth of this new life! I can't wait to meet her!

Eldest sister - such a big girl!

This one melts my heart because of the way they are looking at one another!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


This was one of the fastest sessions to date! We were squeezing it in over a lunch hour! Despite my "kind of sort of knowing where we are going" navigation, we managed to find this most wonderful spot for the engagement photos. Heather was looking for just a couple of images, so we fast-tracked it and got busy! I love them! Especially right.before.the.kiss!

I'll have your gallery to you soon, Heather!


Friday, November 13, 2009


Oh Boy! How can a person with only 2 teeth, who drools, and who prefers to run around naked be so adorable?!?! This family has a special place in my heart and it was my pleasure to be able to capture him at this most-wonderful age!

He has the BEST squishy feet that he rests on top of one another. The chubbiest little legs, and the sweetest smile. And his mom & sister aren't bad, either!

Enjoy! But fair warning that these images might give you the "i want a baby" urge!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another Cutie-Pie - Updated!

This family is a friend of ours. My husband and Steve have been friends forever, and through them I met Maren. Their little guy is about to turn TWO and is as cute and sweet as can be. They have a close relationship with their parents, who joined us for the photoshoot. I think it is so nice when families can live close to one another and share the everyday moments.

We had an absolutely gorgeous evening for this session. The weather in MN has been wonderful the past week and I've enjoyed the sun and warmth each day.

LOVE it! Look at his chubby little hands holding tight to his airplane!

A different take on the "family" portrait!

Look how happy EVERYONE is in this shot! I love, love, love it!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

High School Senior

Through my work, I get to meet many different people of all ages. It's refreshing to see life through the eyes of others.

In all of my shoots I strive to capture the essence of a person. Little kids let me in pretty easily. Adults and teens take a bit to warm up. I guess as we go along in life we become more aware, more guarded, more critical. With this session, I wanted to go beyond the traditional portrait to capture a piece of this young man's "self". I know being in front of the camera can be uncomfortable (I prefer behind the lens) so I really appreciate his willingness to put himself out there and let me do my thing!

I'm happy with how these images turned out and I hope that he is, too! I really enjoy the first two images, because he let me photograph him as he was - quiet, peaceful, observant.



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Thank You for stopping by! For my clients, I hope that the previews you see here get you excited for your online gallery! For everyone else, I hope that you enjoy my work.

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