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Monday, November 16, 2009


My good friend is expecting her 3rd baby in a few weeks. We don't get to see one another very often, but this weekend she and her family came to visit. They are expecting another little girl - I'm so happy & excited for them! Both sisters are ready for "their" baby to come and I'm sure they will be thrilled when she arrives.

One of the things that I've enjoyed during the past 8 years (or so), is the opportunity to share the experience of starting a family with a few close friends. Cristin is one of those friends. She and I became friends shortly after the birth of my 1st baby. Over the years we've been able to share our thoughts, hopes, fears, frustrations and joys on topics ranging from education to husbands to children name it! I'm lucky to have such a wonderful friend.

So, it is with joy that I can share a little part in the birth of this new life! I can't wait to meet her!

Eldest sister - such a big girl!

This one melts my heart because of the way they are looking at one another!!



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