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Monday, October 5, 2009

Excited. Grateful. Happy.

My exciting news to share is that I've opened a natural light studio! It is WONDERFUL!! The studio space is geared for newborns (and their parents), so it is warm, cozy, light, and comfortable. I have a passion for newborns and I realized that I needed a place where all of my things are, where moms can relax, where babies can be warm and cozy, where the light is soft and sweet. And through luck and a wonderful realtor, I found it!!

For those of you in Rochester, I am at the historic Broadstreet Building. I am on the 2nd floor, above 300 First and the Redwood Room. The studio has wood floors, tall ceilings, exposed brick and natural light! Even with the dark dreary days of last week, I was able to hold two sessions with no problem!

I am so thankful to everyone who helped get the studio in shape. Especially my husband who spent many nights painting and hauling furniture. And Sonia and Matt. And Steve. And Kari. Aunt Lizzie. And Katie & Irv for sharing their daughter with me for the first session at the studio. And Allison for finding me my first set of twins. And Tanya, the twins mom! It's been a whirlwind week, but now I can breathe a sigh of relief and focus on putting the space to good use!

I will also use the space for babies if clients would prefer the studio rather than their homes. For older children and families, however, I will still be on location....because I truly love to be outdoors and in homes and I believe that I can capture the purest moments in those settings.

Here is a link to an article in the Post-Bulletin about my studio. It's called "Birth of a Studio" (isn't that a clever title)?!

If you are expecting, or have friends who are expecting, please share this information with them!

Sarah Field Photography
Broadstreet Building
300 1st Ave NW
Suite 212
Rochester MN 55902



Sarah Field Photography

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Thank You for stopping by! For my clients, I hope that the previews you see here get you excited for your online gallery! For everyone else, I hope that you enjoy my work.

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