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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

High School Senior

Through my work, I get to meet many different people of all ages. It's refreshing to see life through the eyes of others.

In all of my shoots I strive to capture the essence of a person. Little kids let me in pretty easily. Adults and teens take a bit to warm up. I guess as we go along in life we become more aware, more guarded, more critical. With this session, I wanted to go beyond the traditional portrait to capture a piece of this young man's "self". I know being in front of the camera can be uncomfortable (I prefer behind the lens) so I really appreciate his willingness to put himself out there and let me do my thing!

I'm happy with how these images turned out and I hope that he is, too! I really enjoy the first two images, because he let me photograph him as he was - quiet, peaceful, observant.




Sarah Field Photography

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